Tax treatment depends on your circumstances and is subject to change

How to certify a document?

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When supplying a company with a copy of an important document rather than the original, you will need to certify the document. This means that a third party is witnessing and stating that the copy you are providing is a true copy of the original.

What documents need to be certified?

If you provide a copy of any of the following documents, you will need to get them certified by a professional:
  • Passports
  • Photocard driving licenses
  • Letters from a government department
  • Bank/building society or credit card statements
  • Utility bills
  • Letters from a hospital or doctor

Who can certify a document?

The document will need to be certified by a professional or someone who is recognised as of good standing within your community. This could be any of the following:
  • Bank or building society official
  • Councillor
  • Minister of religion
  • Dentist
  • Chartered accountant
  • Solicitor or notary
  • Teacher or lecturer
The person you ask cannot be related to you, living at the same address or be in a relationship with you.

How to certify a document

Once you have taken a copy of the original document, you will need to ask the person certifying it to:
  • Write ‘Certified to be a true copy of the original seen by me’ on the document
  • Sign and date it, with their name printed under the signature
  • Write their occupation, address and contact number

Why might we ask you to certify a document?

If we recommend switching your pension to a new scheme and you decide to proceed, we will ask you to send in some ID. Before we can send this to your pension providers to proceed with the transfer of your pension, this ID will need to be certified.

We would also ask you to provide ID if your name doesn’t match the one your pension provider has for you. If you send us a copy of your ID then this would need to be certified in order to go ahead.

Not all providers will accept a certified copy and will ask for the original instead. In this instance, we will let you know that the original is needed and send it back to you as soon as possible via recorded delivery.
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Pension Access is a trading name of Harbour Rock Capital Limited which is registered in England & Wales as a Limited Company, No. 10290349. Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, No. 754580. Registered Offices: Affinity House, Beaufort Court, Sir Thomas Longley Road, Rochester, Kent, ME2 4FD. Telephone: 0800 009 3388. Email:
© 2025 Pension Access. All right reserved.
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Your FREE information pack contains all the information you need to make an informed decision on wheter or not taking tax free cash from your pension is right for you.
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Note: We are unable to advise on the state pension or any pension you are already taking an income from.

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