Have you ever got an electricity bill and suddenly thought, “that’s a bit steep!”? If so, you may have gone to check bills from the past few months to see if this has happened more than once. To your frustration, you discover that your provider upped their prices a while back. And then, you have the lightbulb moment. You’ve been meaning to shop around for a new electricity plan, but you forgot to sort it as you’ve been so busy.
Sound familiar? You aren’t alone! Still, it can leave us wondering, just how much we could save by acting today rather than tomorrow. We decided to dig a bit deeper, asking 2,000 UK adults about which five-minute jobs they put off most often and why, as well as revealing how much this can end up costing them in fines or automatic renewals.
Were there any big surprises in the top 10 list? Perhaps not. Yet, taking a closer look at the research reveals some interesting trends on what we avoid doing today and leave for tomorrow.
Now let’s be honest. How many of those five-minute jobs do you put off and when was the last time you made a quick comparison between yourself and someone else? It’s human nature to make comparisons and you never know, they may help you to think differently on how you can make a positive change to tackle those nagging tasks. And you don’t have to tackle them alone.
There is specialist help out there and it could have a big, positive impact on your life. For example, a report by ILC UK shows that people who take pension advice are, on average, £30,991 better off than those who don’t11. That’s a lot of money to miss out on by putting something off until tomorrow. Best of all, it’s really easy to check something like your pension and it doesn’t have to cost you a penny.
We can help you to make the best possible decisions when it comes to your pension.
Taking pension money early is not right for everyone as it will leave you worse off in retirement. Also, tax treatment depends on your circumstances and is subject to change. That’s why it makes sense to get help from a regulated specialist.